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Holiday scams

How to stay protected during the holiday season The holiday season is a busy time of year, meant to be filled with family, gifting, and celebrating. However, amidst all the fun holiday events lurks a large threat, holiday scams. Unfortunately, this time of year is the most common time for . . .

Financial traps to avoid

There’s a reason why even athletes, entertainers, and business people with seven-figure (and higher) incomes suddenly find themselves filing for bankruptcy. Money mismanagement can eat through even the biggest bankrolls. Here are some specific threats to financial stability that people can avoid to help effectively manage their wealth. Check the . . .

Avoiding scams

Scams are a method where cybercriminals utilize deceptive tactics in order to trick potential victims into engaging in financial fraud. As the digital world continues to grow, scams become more and more prevalent and accumulate billions in losses each year. Based on a report from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), . . .

Tax-related identity theft crimes

Criminals are stealing taxpayers’ identities and committing tax-related crimes. There are steps you can take to keep your personal information protected. Identity theft is a growing concern. In 2021, identity fraud impacted 15 million U.S. consumers with $24 billion in losses.1 With your Social Security number, a criminal can commit . . .