Management | Investment Services

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Once you’ve been investing for a bit, it’s important to ensure you have a long-term plan you can stick to for effectively managing your wealth.

Flexibility has its place in wealth management. For example, investors who take the time to review their goals and strategy at regular intervals can make deliberate adjustments based on changing circumstances. But sudden changes based on an emotional response to news reports may not be the best course.

When the market turns lower, sticking to a long-range plan can be a challenge to even the most seasoned investor. By arming yourself with information, though, you may be better equipped to ride out tough markets, and even benefit from them.

Reviewing your strategy

Once you have an established plan, your Centra Financial Services advisor will help you manage your investments. This includes monitoring any maturing investments, upcoming needs, and scheduling annual reviews.

During your financial reviews, you and your advisor will review your current portfolio, make any needed adjustments to your goals, and adjust your asset allocation to help keep you on the road to your financial destination.

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